Best & Worst Non-Organic Produce


By Suki Kramer

The best foods are organics, but what to do when they aren’t available or may be too expensive for you? Well, some conventionally grown foods are actually better than others – far better, as it turns out. (although I feel this is a good chance to point out again, that food shouldn’t cost less than like clothing & gasoline…it is meant to sustain us…to FEED us after all.)

Tests performed by the USDA found conventionally grown onions, for example, contain virtually no pesticides. Spinach, on the other hand, is a toxic nightmare. Here are a dozen non-organic foods that make a relatively good choice when organics aren’t available - & a dozen you should absolutely avoid!

Print & take to the store with you!
Surprised by all the canned stuff? Well, I’m not endorsing canned over fresh here. However, consider it an indictment of much conventionally grown “fresh” produce. Canned fruit, remember, is packaged immediately after picking, while “fresh” produce is often sprayed & colored for sale in your supermarket, to remain “fresh” & vibrant looking for as long as possible…it’s all about the bottom line!

Each item on the Pro List had fewer than 7 pesticide residues. As for the Con List, most (which starts with the worst) had 40 to 50 or more pesticide residues!

The Pesticide Action Network has assembled a searchable database from the USDA tests. You can search by food or pesticide. It also contains a good list of FAQs as well as an explanation of methodology. Click here to check it out.

As I said, it’s always best (& tastiest!) to eat organic, but it’s also good to know what to grab for when you’ve got to look elsewhere.
Happy (& healthy) shopping!

Suki Kramer is the Founder and Owner of suki® advanced. organic. science.®  Find Suki Pure skin care and cosmetic products at Whole Foods Markets across the nation. suki® advanced. organic. science.®
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