Bulgari launched a unique silver and ceramic ring modelled after the famed B.zero.1 line in October 2010, with $75 from each ring benefiting Save the Children.
For 2010-2011, Bulgari has made an additional commitment of $7.4 million to Save the Children to help fund education programs, healing and education through the arts, teacher training, and other related programs in China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Indonesia, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, South East Europe, Southern Sudan, Uganda and the United States.
Recognizing that education has the power to transform lives, Bulgari has since 2009 partnered with leading non-profit organization Save the Children to provide quality education opportunities for the world’s most vulnerable children. In 2009, Bulgari raised over $9 million to support education programs and teacher training in Afghanistan, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Southern Sudan, Uganda and countries in South East Europe. Proceeds from the sale of a much celebrated silver anniversary ring contributed to Save the Children’s Rewrite the Future campaign, which targeted support for over 10 million of the world’s children.
Photos Courtesy Getty Images
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