Offshore Drilling. Is It The Right Choice?

By Jourdan, Posted Originally on People For Green Justice

Offshore Drilling – Is it the Right Choice?

This is a tough question.  My gut reaction is to say, “no, it’s not the right choice.”  However, I have to admit I don’t know all the details behind Obama’s recent announcement.  I know the basics, the information we’re allowed to have.  It’s the information we are not privy to that makes me have concerns about the motives behind this decision.  The risks and dangers that go along with offshore drilling seem too great to me.  If accidents didn’t happen and we were 100% secure that all would be well, I’m sure we could stand behind it to an extent.  But the reality is that we could ruin hundreds of miles of coastline, kill thousands of sea life and leave our oceans devastated.  The thought of what that picture looks like is too horrifying.  So in the end I have to say no.

Not that long ago Obama was saying “no” too.  That concerns me.  It’s a big swing in the opposite direction. How does that happen?  Unfortunately we call that politics and it’s a game with too many players at the table. Here is a video of Obama opposing offshore drilling just a little over a year ago.

VIDEO – Obama on Offshore Drilling

If this concerns you too, take a moment to send a letter to our president.  You can use the form letter or write your own.  I was hoping that once Obama was in office I could sit back, relax and feel confident that I could stand behind all his decisions.  That was me being naive and hoping to be politically lazy. Change is indeed gonna come and we need to be a driving force!

To send your letter click HERE!


Posted via web from The Green Blog Network


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