Sophie B. Hawkins Announces Song to Benefit Waterkeeper Alliance
Proceeds from “The Land, the Sea & the Sky”
to Benefit Clean Up Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico
“I am proud to be joining forces with Waterkeeper Alliance and to help them in their efforts to protect the coastline, the wildlife and the thousands of people who depend upon the Gulf for their livelihood,” says Sophie B. Hawkins. “I truly believe we need to live in harmony with nature and that it is incumbent on all of us to try help with the clean-up efforts in any way we can.”
New York, NY Grammy nominated and platinum selling artist Sophie B. Hawkins, best known for having the longest running hit single on the Billboard Chart -- As I Lay Me Down ( 67 weeks) – and the pop hit Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover, will be donating 100% of the net proceeds from her new single “The Land, the Sea and the Sky” to benefit Waterkeeper Alliance, an organization of on-the-water advocates who patrol and protect more than 100,000 miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. The song, which will be the first song released from her long awaited upcoming new album due this fall -- Dream Street & Chance – will be available exclusively for download on Sophie B. Hawkins website – www.sophiebhawkins.com and on ITUNES this June. The song will be available for $1.29 and benefit the Waterkeeper Alliance’s work in the Gulf of Mexico. To learn more about clean up efforts citizens can visit www.saveourgulf.org.
Sophie wrote the new single “The Land, the Sea and the Sky” about the human need to connect with nature and when she saw the disaster unfolding in the Gulf immediately knew that she wanted to try help with the clean up.
"We are grateful to Sophie B. Hawkins and her entire team at Trumpet Swan Music for their generosity, and the gift of Sophie’s time and talent during the BP oil disaster,” said Waterkeeper Deputy Director Marc Yaggi. “These much needed contributions will directly support those Waterkeepers on the front lines in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas, funding the equipment and supplies our Waterkeepers need to protect and advocate for their waterways, coasts and communities.”
Waterkeeper Alliance has established a website – SAVEOURGULF.ORG -- to help coordinate the efforts of Gulf Waterkeepers, who are fighting to protect the Gulf Coast. Visitors can go to the website to learn more about how they can help. The Gulf Waterkeepers on scene are FL: Apalachicola Riverkeeper and Emerald Coastkeeper. AL: Mobile Baykeeper, LA: Louisiana Bayoukeeper and Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper, and TX: Galveston Baykeeper. Also working to clean up the ocean waters and beaches are volunteers, marine biologists, environmental advocates, and members of each of the coastal communities which have been affected. Urgent help is needed for the recovery; our coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico are in grave danger from the catastrophic explosion and ongoing oil spill.
To see what Gulf Coast Waterkeepers are doing to fight the disaster and to find out how you can help, visit www.saveourgulf.org a project of Waterkeeper Alliance that supports the efforts of Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper and Louisiana Bayoukeeper in Louisiana, Mobile Baykeeper in Alabama, Emerald Coastkeeper and Apalachicola Riverkeeper in Florida, and Galveston Baykeeper in Texas, who are facing what may be the largest environmental and economic disaster in U.S. history. Waterkeeper Alliance is a global environmental organization uniting more than 190 Waterkeeper programs around the world and focusing citizen advocacy on the issues that affect our waterways, from pollution to climate change. More information can be found at www.Waterkeeper.org or www.saveourgulf.org.
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